• 快讯 nature geoscience文章:Abrupt North Atlantic circulation changes in response to gradual CO2 forcing in a glacial climate state

    摘要:Glacial climate is marked by abrupt, millennial-scale climate changes known as Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. The most pronounced stadial coolings, Heinrich events, are associated with massive iceberg discharges to the North Atlantic. These events have been linked to variations in the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. However, the factors that lead to abrupt transitions between strong and weak circulation regimes remain unclear. Here we show that, in a fully coupled atmosphere–ocean model, gradual changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations can trigger abrupt climate changes, associated with a regime of bi-stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation under intermediate glacial conditions. We find that changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations alter the transport of atmospheric moisture across Central America, which modulates the freshwater budget of the North Atlantic and hence deep-water formation. In our simulations, a change in atmospheric CO2 levels of about 15 ppmv—comparable to variations during Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles containing Heinrich events—is sufficient to cause transitions between a weak stadial and a strong interstadial circulation mode. Because changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation are thought to alter atmospheric CO2 levels, we infer that atmospheric CO2 may serve as a negative feedback to transitions between strong and weak circulation modes. 文章信息:Nature Geoscience (2017) doi:10.1038/ngeo2974 Received 06 February 2017/ Accepted 23 May 2017 /Published online 19 June 2017
  • 快讯 与国际山地综合发展中心合作研究项目初审结果通告

    2017年度国家自然科学基金委员会与国际山地综合发展中心合作研究项目初审结果通告 2017年度国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)将共同资助双方科学家开展合作研究。经公开征集,共收到32项申请。根据我委有关规定,共有以下27项申请通过初审,青藏所共有3个项目通过初审,分别是: 2015年尼泊尔地震相关地质灾害的地震学成因 白玲 喜马拉雅冰冻圈-水文过程:下游水资源和洪水灾害管理 张国庆 柯西河流域水质变化机理及其环境效应 张凡
  • 快讯 科学家解析第二次青藏高原综合科考看点

    新华社拉萨6月17日电 题:时隔四十年 再探“第三极”——科学家解析第二次青藏高原综合科考看点 新华社记者吕诺、王沁鸥 壮美的青藏高原,被誉为“世界屋脊”和“第三极”。世界最后一方净土,蕴藏着地球生态环境的密码和无数有待探寻的奥秘。 时隔四十余年,我国17日启动第二次青藏高原大规模综合性科考。首先拉开帷幕的是江湖源考察,科考队员将兵分四路,重点对长江源头区域和西藏最大湖泊色林错区域进行观测研究。 “第一次是‘发现’,这一次是看‘变化’。”中国科学院院士、中国科学院青藏高原研究所所长姚檀栋说,近年来,青藏高原资源环境已发生巨大变化,需要通过综合科学考察提出应对方案。 江湖源科考主要做什么?看点有哪些?新华社记者分别专访了四条科考线路的负责人。 为“长大”的高原湖泊“做体检” 在很多人印象中,青藏高原是一片荒凉苦寒之地。事实上,这里分布着大大小小1000多个湖泊。自1990年以来,青藏高原湖泊水量已经增长1000多亿立方米。 “这相当于增加3个三峡水库的水量。”湖泊与水文气象考察队负责人、中国科学院青藏高原研究所副所长朱立平说,“色林错也在近年来不断扩大,已超越纳木错,成为西藏第一大湖。” 近几十年来,青藏高原面积变化最大的湖泊就是色林错,其湖泊面积从1976年的1667平方公里,增加到2009年的2324平方公里,扩张40%左右。 高原湖泊面积和水量的增大,对局部气候乃至东部季风区的旱涝都可能产生影响。“长大”的高原湖泊亟待进行一次全面“体检”。 朱立平介绍,此次考察将对包括色林错在内的藏北湖泊群进行湖底地形图的绘制,并对水体参数进行测量。“我们需要知道,高原气候变化让湖泊到底产生了哪些改变。”他说。 不同于以往,无人船将首次应用于青藏高原的湖泊水文气象考察,设置好船只航线和测量程序,湖泊深度、湖水ph值、电导率等参数一测便知。 此外,科考队还将钻取水底沉积岩芯,它是重现湖泊历史的“一手史料”。朱立平说:“青藏高原在两三万年前也经历过一段‘大湖期’,那时的色林错和纳木措甚至是连在一起的。通过钻取沉积岩芯,研究历史上的湖泊扩张及其与当时生态环境的关系,可为今天的生态文明建设提供参考。” 破译冰“芯”中的气候、环境“密码” 想知道过去100年特别是近50年来青藏高原温度和降水的变化过程,科考队只需通过钻取冰芯便能“穿越时空”——这些秘密就封存在冰芯中。 冰川的冰芯记录保存着过去的气候变化信息:冰芯稳定同位素记录可揭示高海拔温度变化,冰芯积累量记录可恢复高海拔降水变化,从而为区域气候环境变化研究提供必要的数据补充。 冰川与环境变化考察队负责人、中国科学院研究员徐柏青介绍,科考队将在西藏自治区最大的内流河——扎加藏布源头的各拉丹冬和唐古拉冰川,以及青藏高原最大的冰川——普若岗日冰原,开展冰芯气候记录和冰川变化、融水径流等考察工作,完善过去已有的野外观测,填补资料空白区,揭示这一区域冰川变化和气候变化特征,认识冰川与气候变化对生态系统健康发展的影响。 此次考察区位于青藏高原中部重要的冰川发育区。如普若岗日冰原,面积达400平方公里,是全球中低纬度最大的冰川;各拉丹冬发育冰川130条,其中姜根迪如冰川是长江发源地,各拉丹冬南侧冰川融水是扎加藏布和色林错的补给源。这些冰川不但极具科研价值,而且风光雄奇,具有很高的“颜值”。 追寻史前人类的高原足迹 古人类最早在何时踏上青藏高原?他们从哪里来?为什么登上高原?如何适应高海拔环境?……此次科考将围绕这些问题寻找线索和答案。 高寒缺氧等不利因素,牵绊着古人类迁入和开发青藏高原的步伐。人类最早何时扩散于此,至今仍为悬案。在西藏,即使是被学术界倾向于认可的属旧石器时代的遗迹,其石器标本也大多采自地表,缺乏可靠的地层依据。 位于色林错地区的尼阿木底遗址,是一处规模宏大、地层堆积连续的旧石器时代遗址。古生态与古环境考察队负责人、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所副所长邓涛介绍,2016年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、西藏自治区文物保护研究所联合对尼阿木底遗址开展了考古发掘,现已初步确定,该遗址距今至少3万年——也就是说,早在3万年前,已有人类生活在这片土地上。 邓涛说,此次科考将继续发掘有地层埋藏的古人类遗存,提取高精度测年和环境分析样品,进一步还原人类探索高原的历史过程及环境动因。 为高原珍稀动植物居民“查户口” 乌黑的颈,丹红的顶,颀长的腿——这是国家一级保护动物黑颈鹤,世界上唯一生长、繁殖在高原的鹤类。每年冬天,总有摄影“发烧友”扛着“长枪短炮”齐聚拉萨城郊,只为捕捉它们的倩影。 鸟类爱好者们或将有一个观鸟新去处。色林错目前是黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区,未来,西藏拟在该地区建立集保护、教育、科研等功能于一体的国家公园。在不破坏高原生态环境的前提下,游客或许将有机会与高原精灵们“亲密接触”。 “不只是黑颈鹤,色林错湖区内还广泛分布着许多高原珍稀动植物物种。”生物与生态变化考察队负责人、中国科学院研究员杨永平介绍,这次科考也担负着对区域内动植物种类、数量、分布区进行摸底,为国家公园的自然保护与生态旅游规划提供科学数据与建议的任务。科考队将绘制出区域内的植被图和动物重点栖息地分布图。 碧湖如鉴,映照雪山巍巍倒影;蓝天白云间,黑颈鹤翩翩起舞;鲜花绿野中,野牦牛、盘羊悠闲漫步;苍茫高原上,藏羚羊、藏野驴自由飞奔……这派高原美景,或许离普通大众已并不遥远!
  • 快讯 PNAS文章:Genetic signatures of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans

    摘要:Indigenous Tibetan people have lived on the Tibetan Plateau for millennia. There is a long-standing question about the genetic basis of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans. We conduct a genome-wide study of 7.3 million genotyped and imputed SNPs of 3,008 Tibetans and 7,287 non-Tibetan individuals of Eastern Asian ancestry. Using this large dataset, we detect signals of high-altitude adaptation at nine genomic loci, of which seven are unique. The alleles under natural selection at two of these loci [methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and EPAS1] are strongly associated with blood-related phenotypes, such as hemoglobin, homocysteine, and folate in Tibetans. The folate-increasing allele of rs1801133 at the MTHFR locus has an increased frequency in Tibetans more than expected under a drift model, which is probably a consequence of adaptation to high UV radiation. These findings provide important insights into understanding the genomic consequences of high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans.
  • 快讯 PNAS文章:Uplift-driven diversification in the Hengduan Mountains, a temperate biodiversity hotspot

    摘要:A common hypothesis for the rich biodiversity found in mountains is uplift-driven diversification—that orogeny creates conditions favoring rapid in situ speciation of resident lineages. We tested this hypothesis in the context of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjoining mountain ranges, using the phylogenetic and geographic histories of multiple groups of plants to infer the tempo (rate) and mode (colonization versus in situ diversification) of biotic assembly through time and across regions. We focused on the Hengduan Mountains region, which in comparison with the QTP and Himalayas was uplifted more recently (since the late Miocene) and is smaller in area and richer in species. Time-calibrated phylogenetic analyses show that about 8 million y ago the rate of in situ diversification increased in the Hengduan Mountains, significantly exceeding that in the geologically older QTP and Himalayas. By contrast, in the QTP and Himalayas during the same period the rate of in situ diversification remained relatively flat, with colonization dominating lineage accumulation. The Hengduan Mountains flora was thus assembled disproportionately by recent in situ diversification, temporally congruent with independent estimates of orogeny. This study shows quantitative evidence for uplift-driven diversification in this region, and more generally, tests the hypothesis by comparing the rate and mode of biotic assembly jointly across time and space. It thus complements the more prevalent method of examining endemic radiations individually and could be used as a template to augment such studies in other biodiversity hotspots.