• 快讯 An engineer proposes a new model for the way humans localize sounds

    November 6, 2019 An engineer proposes a new model for the way humans localize sounds. by Tracey Regan, New Jersey Institute of Technology Credit: New Jersey Institute of TechnologyOne of the enduring puzzles of hearing loss is the decline in a person's ability to determine where a sound originates, a key survival faculty that allows animals—from lizards to humans—to pinpoint the location of danger, prey and group members. In modern times, finding a lost cell phone by using th...
  • 快讯 Controlling the optical properties of solids with acoustic waves

    Illustration of the exciton of TiO2 interacting with a propagating coherent acoustic wave. Credit: Adriel Dominguez (Max Planck Institute, Hamburg)Physicists from Switzerland, Germany, and France have found that large-amplitude acoustic waves, launched by ultrashort laser pulses, can dynamically manipulate the optical response of semiconductors..
  • 快讯 Controlling the optical properties of solids with acoustic waves | Science Codex

    IMAGE:Illustration of the exciton of TiO2 interacting with a propagating coherent acoustic wave. Image credit:Adriel Dominguez (Max Planck Institute, Hamburg) One of the main challenges in materials science research is to achieve high tunability of the optical properties of semiconductors at room temperature. These properties are governed by "excitons", which are bound pairs of negative electrons and positive holes in a semiconductor. Excitons have become increasingly important...
  • 快讯 Earth's magnetic song recorded for the first time during a solar storm

    Home.Astronomy & Space.Space Exploration.. . . November 19, 2019 Earth's magnetic song recorded for the first time during a solar storm. by European Space Agency In this image, Earth is the dot to the left of the image and the large arc around it is our planet’s magnetic bow shock. The swirling pattern to the right is the foreshock region where the solar wind breaks into waves as it encounters reflected particles from the bow shoc...
  • 快讯 Primordial gas cloud has thoroughly modern make-up

    Four percent of left-handed women lack an olfactory bulb but can appreciate a flower’s perfume, according to analysis of data in a public repository. Credit: Dan Kitwood/Getty Neuroscience 06 November 2019 The women who lack an odour-related brain area — and can still smell a rose . The olfactory bulb was considered crucial for a sense of smell, but a chance discovery challenges the dogma.Share on Twitter. Share on Twitter . Share on Facebook. Share on Facebook...