
  • 来源专题:食物与营养
  • 编译者: 潘淑春
  • 发布时间:2005-04-02
  • In the pages to come, you’ll read about NNFA’s significant accomplishments in the year since we last met for our annual trade show and convention. As you’ll see, much has been achieved in all aspects of our work. But our successes did not happen by chance. They are the result of a carefully crafted plan to make a member-driven vision a reality. Each year, NNFA members meet, through participation on committees or as members of our board of directors, to identify goals and objectives in several program areas, including government relations, membership, education, science, finance and administration, communications and conventions. These various goals and objectives are then woven into an association-wide strategy from which we plan our daily activities for the coming year and beyond.
  • 原文来源:http://www.nnfa.org/services/publication/annual/pdf/AnnualReport2004.pdf
  • 《国家营养食品协会》

    • 来源专题:食物与营养
    • 编译者:潘淑春
    • 发布时间:2005-01-27
    • The National Nutritional Foods Association, founded in 1936, represents the interests of manufacturers and retailers of a wide variety of natural products including organic and health foods, natural ingredient cosmetics, sports nutrition products and vitamins, herbs and other dietary supplements.
  • 《英国软饮料协会2003-2004年度报告》

    • 来源专题:食物与营养
    • 编译者:潘淑春
    • 发布时间:2005-04-23
    • Report CONTENTS: President’s report Executive Council Director General’s report Marketing Environment Packaging Diet and health Health and safety Food safety Industry training Bottled waters Fruit juice Education UKISUG Sports closures Services for members Who’s who at BSDA Members of BSDA