
  • 来源专题:水环境管理与流域管理
  • 编译者: 王阳
  • 发布时间:2018-08-13
  • The Great Lakes are a vital resource for drinking water and recreation and provide a major fishery for millions of people. As part of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the US and Canadian governments have been charged with the protection of this system. Persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBTs) contaminants were found to be affecting the lake water quality as early as the late 1960s, and various programs sponsored by the US and Canada have been created to monitor PBTs such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). These programs have refined measurement techniques to quantify trace level contaminants using a targeted analytical approach. However, new PBTs are being detected in the environment, and the traditional targeted methodology is inadequate for understanding the complex chemical mixture affecting Great Lakes wildlife. Fortunately, new analytical technologies are emerging that allow for comprehensive screening of PBTs beyond targeted methods. The current commentary presents an outline of a new framework for contemporary monitoring programs. The goal is to facilitate the compilation of legacy, emerging PBT, and archive PBT signatures by utilizing the basic practices of traditional targeted analysis. This example focuses on fish monitoring programs, and how they are ideally suited for legacy monitoring as well as data-driven discovery of new chemicals of concern.

  • 《美国环境保护署大湖区国家计划办公室对劳伦琴大湖区的监测:从40年的数据收集的洞察力》

    • 来源专题:水环境管理与流域管理
    • 编译者:王阳
    • 发布时间:2018-06-25
    • The U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) implements long-term monitoring programs to assess Great Lakes ecosystem status and trends for many interrelated ecosystem components, including offshore water quality as well as offshore phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos; chemical contaminants in air, sediments, and predator fish; hypoxia in Lake Erie's central basin; and coastal wetland health. These programs are conducted in fulfillment of Clean Water Act mandates and Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commitments. This special issue presents findings from GLNPO's Great Lakes Biology Monitoring Program, Great Lakes Water Quality Monitoring Program, Lake Erie Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Program, Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network, Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program, and Great Lakes Sediment Surveillance Program. These GLNPO programs have generated temporal and spatial datasets for all five Great Lakes that form the basis for assessment of the state of these lakes, including trends in nutrients, key biological indicators, and contaminants in air, sediments and fish. These datasets are used by researchers and managers across the Great Lakes basin for investigating physical, chemical and biological drivers of ongoing ecosystem changes; some of these analyses are presented in this special issue, along with discussion of new methods and approaches for monitoring.
  • 《转录因子的靶向传递》

    • 来源专题:重大新药创制—研发动态
    • 编译者:杜慧
    • 发布时间:2017-11-17
    • 转录因子(TF)是广泛调控网络的中心。 长期以来,由于其在多种疾病的发病机制中的作用,TF已被认为是有效的药物靶标。 同时,位于细胞调控途径汇合点的转录因子是强大的工具,为细胞类型改变和管理细胞状态提供了机会。 我们对管理TF活动(小分子,转染,纳米载体,基于蛋白质的方法)的几种方法进行了综述,分析了它们的局限性,以及克服这些问题的可能性。 TF的传递可能会改变生物医学领域。 这个预测是否能实现取决于能否开发出用于TFs靶向传递的方便的工具。