
  • 来源专题:油气开发与利用
  • 编译者: cncic
  • 发布时间:2023-03-15
  • 中国石化新闻网讯 据钻机地带3月10日报道,根据美国能源信息署(EIA)最新的《短期能源展望》(STEO),预计2023年和2024年全球液体燃料产量将超过需求。
    在本周发布的STEO中,EIA预测今年全球总产量将达到1.0147亿桶/ 天,明年将达到1.032亿桶/天。STEO预计2023年全球总消费量将达到1.009亿桶/ 天,2024年将达到1.0269亿桶/天。
    最新的STEO预计,2023年第一季度全球总消费量将为9994万桶/ 天,第二季度为1.006亿桶/天,第三季度为1.0147亿桶/ 天、第四季度为1.0156亿桶/天、明年第一季度为1.0204亿桶/每天,第二季度为1.0231亿桶/ 天,第三季度为1.0325亿桶/天,第四季度为1.0314亿桶/天。
    EIA继续说道,非经合组织国家的这一增长抵消了2023年经合组织国家几乎没有消费增长。由于通货膨胀的影响继续限制国内生产总值和石油需求增长,经合组织的消费量基本保持不变。我们预测,2024年全球液体燃料消耗量将增加180万桶/ 天,非经合组织国家将占160万桶的增长。
    国际能源署(IEA)在2月发布的最新石油市场报告中表示,2023年全球石油需求将增加200万桶/ 天,达到1.019亿桶/天。IEA在报告中指出,亚太地区将主导着经济增长前景。
    郝芬 译自 钻机地带
    Global Liquid Fuel Production to Outpace Demand
    The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects global liquid fuel production to outpace demand in 2023 and 2024, according to its latest short term energy outlook (STEO).
    In the STEO, which was released this week, the EIA projects that total world production will hit 101.47 million barrels per day this year and 103.02 million barrels per day next year. The STEO expects total world consumption to come in at 100.90 million barrels per day in 2023 and 102.69 million barrels per day in 2024.
    Broken down quarterly, the latest STEO expects total world production to hit 100.73 million barrels per day in the first quarter of this year, 101.28 million barrels per day in the second quarter, 101.92 million barrels per day in the third quarter, 101.93 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter, 102.27 million barrels per day in the first quarter of 2024, 102.85 million barrels per day in the second quarter, 103.43 million barrels per day in the third quarter, and 103.53 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter.
    The latest STEO anticipates that total world consumption will be 99.94 million barrels per day in the first quarter of 2023, 100.60 million barrels per day in the second quarter, 101.47 million barrels per day in the third quarter, 101.56 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter, 102.04 million barrels per day in the first quarter of next year, 102.31 million barrels per day in the second quarter, 103.25 million barrels per day in the third quarter, and 103.14 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter.
    The EIA’s March STEO outlined that 2022 total world production and total world consumption was 99.86 million barrels per day and 99.42 million barrels per day, respectively. In its February STEO, which pegged total world production at 99.95 million barrels per day and total world consumption at 99.36 million barrels per day, the EIA projected that total world production would hit 101.10 million barrels per day in 2023 and 102.61 million barrels per day in 2024. Total world consumption was projected to hit 100.47 million barrels per day in 2023 and 102.26 million barrels per day in 2024 in that STEO.
    “Globally, liquid fuels consumption in our forecast increases from an average of 99.4 million barrels per day in 2022 to 100.9 million barrels per day in 2023, which is 0.4 million barrels per day higher than in last month’s outlook,” the EIA said in its latest STEO.
    “The higher consumption forecast is primarily driven by upward revisions to global economic growth. We forecast consumption in India to increase by 0.2 million barrels per day and other non-OECD consumption to grow by 0.5 million barrels per day on average,” the EIA added.
    “This growth in non-OECD countries counteracts almost no consumption growth among OECD countries in 2023. OECD consumption remains largely unchanged as the effects of inflation continue to limit GDP and oil demand growth. We forecast global liquids fuel consumption will grow by an additional 1.8 million barrels per day in 2024, and non-OECD countries will account for 1.6 million barrels per day of the growth,” the EIA continued.
    In the latest STEO, the EIA said “world liquid fuels production averaged about 100 million barrels per day in 2022, and we forecast it will rise by an average of 1.6 million barrels per day in both 2023 and 2024”.
    “Despite upward revisions to increasing our forecast of global liquid fuels consumption, we still expect consistent global oil inventory builds over the forecast period as global oil production continues to outpace consumption,” the EIA stated in the STEO.
    In its latest oil market report, which was released in February, the International Energy Agency (IEA) stated that global oil demand is set to rise by two million barrels per day in 2023 to 101.9 million barrels per day. The IEA noted in the report that the Asia-Pacific region dominates the growth outlook.
    Looking at oil supply, the IEA stated in the report it expects global output to grow 1.2 million barrels per day in 2023, “driven by non-OPEC+”. .
  • 原文来源:http://www.sinopecnews.com.cn/xnews/content/2023-03/14/content_7060859.html
  • 《EIA提高了对今明两年美国原油产量增长预测》

    • 来源专题:中国科学院文献情报先进能源知识资源中心 |领域情报网
    • 编译者:guokm
    • 发布时间:2019-05-30
    • 美国能源情报署(EIA)表示,2019年美国原油日产量预计将增加149万桶,至平均1245万桶,高于此前预计的143万桶。 EIA预测,2020年石油日产量将增加93万桶,至1338万桶,增幅高于此前的预测。 最新预测显示,美国有望在2019年第四季度达到每日1300万桶的里程碑。 得益于页岩气革命,美国已经超过沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯,成为世界上最大的石油生产国。 美国能源情报署署长琳达·卡普阿诺(Linda Capuano)在一封电子邮件中表示:“根据5月份的展望,美国能源情报署仍然预计,美国从2019年第四季度开始出口的石油和其他液体将超过进口,在可预见的未来仍将继续。” 卡普阿诺说:“成为石油和其他液体净出口国的转变,标志着美国自1948年以来的第一次转变。” 不过,近几个月来产量有所放缓,因第四季油价暴跌迫使美国生产商削减支出并削减钻探计划。 即便如此,埃克森美孚和雪佛龙等大型石油公司仍在德州二叠纪盆地和美国最大页岩油产区新墨西哥州进行扩张。 金融服务公司Cowen&Co称,主要石油公司计划2019年在美国钻井和完井项目上的支出较去年增加约16%,而独立生产商预计2019年的支出将减少约11%。 美国能源情报署预测,2019年美国石油需求将增加25万桶/天,至2,070万桶/天,低于此前预测的36万桶/天。IEA还预计,美国石油需求将在2020年增加28万桶/日,至2,098万桶/日,高于此前预估的25万桶/日增长。
  • 《IEA:今明两年全球燃油供应继续紧张》

    • 来源专题:中国科学院文献情报先进能源知识资源中心 |领域情报网
    • 编译者:guokm
    • 发布时间:2019-04-04
    • 据路透社报道,国际能源署(IEA)预计,由于炼油厂升级以及中质和重质原油产量下降,在2020年设定船用燃料硫含量上限之前,燃油供应预计将继续吃紧。根据国际海事组织(IMO)的新规定,到2020年1月,船用燃料的硫含量最高占比将从目前的3.5%降至0.5%。 IEA表示,自去年11月以来,由于欧佩克和俄罗斯等非欧佩克减产,全球中质和重质原油的日产量下降140万桶/日,使残余燃料油市场日减50万桶。去年第四季度全球对残余燃料油需求为674万桶/日,同比下降了2.2%。 IEA指出,全球原油供应的减少正在缩小复杂炼油厂相对于较简单炼油厂的利润率溢价,进而导致复杂炼油厂的优势消失,过去5个月不断加强的燃料油裂解使得升级变得不那么可行。