《Call for Papers: The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference Athens, 7-10 September 2017》

  • 来源专题:科学技术史学科动态
  • 发布时间:2016-04-29
  • 1st Call for Papers

    The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference

    Athens, 7-10 September 2017

    Conference Theme:

    Borders and Technology

    The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference will have as its main theme the history of borders and technology. We invite papers studying the history of the relationship between national borders and transnational infrastructures, hidden technological linking and delinking that reinforced or challenged border delineations and demarcations, the relationship between borders and technologically-induced environmental crises and disasters, the virtualization of borders and the territories that they contain through the use of electronic and related technologies, geopolitics and technology, the redefinition of borders due to the use of technology (and vice versa), all the way from the production to the circulation and use of goods and commodities. One central aim is to cross-fertilize between disciplines and we therefore invite contributions from a wide variety of historical disciplines as well as fromfields like Migration and Border Studies, Migration History, Mobility History, etc, especially in connection to borders and migrations from, to and within Europe.

    Themes that fall under the general agenda of the Tensions of Europe network are very welcomed (e.g. transnational histories of technology, history of European infrastructures and networks, environment and technology, the democracy-technology relationship, conflicting interests and technology, technology and hidden integration, technology and culture, gender and technology, technology and ethnicity, technology and disability).

    Tensions of Europe has a long tradition of fostering alternative meeting formats.

    We encourage proposals for non-traditional sessions with different formats and new

    ideas (e.g. round tables, agenda-building sessions, brainstorm sessions, break-out

    groups with assignments, poster discussion, film discussion, event-based sessions).

    As long as quality can be demonstrated, the program committee will not prioritize

    between formats. By quality we mean suggestions that promise constructive, stimulating

    and engaging discussion.

    We invite scholars from all relevant fields to submit proposal to:


    by 15 February 2017

    All proposals should include a title, short abstract, the academic title and affiliation of the applicant(s) and a short bio. Please name your file with your surname. Abstracts for individual papers and posters should be no more than 300 words. For panels, we ask for a description of the theme of the panel (max 300 words) together with shorter abstracts (max 150 words) of the individual papers. If you wish to suggest a presentation of a different format, please use these word limits as guidelines. We will inform applicants by April 1st 2017 whether their contribution has been accepted. A second call for papers with information about keynote speakers will be distributed by the end of 2016. Conference website: http://8toe2017.phs.uoa.gr/

    Welcome to Athens in September 2017!

    Aristotle Tympas (Chair of the Organizing Committee)

    Division of History of Science and Technology

    Department of Philosophy and History of Science

    School of Science

    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

    The Tensions of Europe conference is organized biennially. Tensions of Europe is an interdisciplinary community of scholars who study the shaping of Europe by paying attention to the role of technology and material culture. It welcomes fruitful interaction between historians of technology and scholars who study technology from all other fields of the humanities and the social sciences (http://www.tensionsofeurope.eu). The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference will be co-organized by the Division of History of Science and Technology, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, School of Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (http://www.phs.uoa.gr/hst/) and the Foundation for the History of Technology (http://www.histech.nl/www/en/), which is hosted by the Eindhoven University of Technology.

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    • 来源专题:数智化图书情报
    • 编译者:闫亚飞
    • 发布时间:2023-11-03
    • 当今之世,科技创新能力成为国家实力最关键的体现。在经济全球化时代,一个国家具有较强的科技创新能力,就能在世界产业分工链条中处于高端位置,就能创造激活国家经济的新产业,就能拥有重要的自主知识产权而引领社会的发展。科技创新能力是当今社会活力的标志,是国家发展的关节点。科技创新,情报先行。立足新时代、新起点,聚焦重点、把握特点、引导热点、突出亮点,发挥情报支撑引领科技创新重要作用,华东六省一市科技情报学会定于2023年11月7日至10日在江西景德镇市召开“科技创新情报引领学术论坛”。 会议主题一、江西省科学技术信息研究所和华东科学技术情报学会领导致词 二、2023年获奖成果和优秀工作者颁奖 三、集体合影 四、学术交流: 1、基于科技情报数字化转型的智慧情报关键技术研究及示范应用 ——上海图书馆(上海科学技术情报研究所) 2、生命与健康领域重大创新领域战略规划研究 ——中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所/上海生命科学信息中心 3、苏南国家自主创新示范区一体化发展指数研究 ——江苏省科学技术情报研究所 4、南京区域科技创新中心建设方案编制研究 ——江苏省科学技术发展战略研究院 5、厦门市未来产业精准招商地图 ——厦门市科学技术信息研究院 6、企业专利标准化策略研究 ——福建省科学技术信息研究所 7、各国在量子科技领域的博弈及发展建议 ——泉州市科学技术信息研究所 8、中国科技情报事业回顾与展望:基于情报学理论的视角 ——杭州电子科技大学中国科教评价研究院 9、CCUS技术发展战略研究 ——浙江省科技信息研究院(智江南) 10、山东科技情报联合体构建研究 ——山东省科学技术情报研究院 济宁市科学技术情报研究所  青岛市科学技术信息研究院 11、山东省“卡脖子”技术攻关机制研究 ——山东省创新发展研究院 山东大学  清华大学 12、中国-上海合作组织地方经贸合作示范区科技创新政策体系研究 ——青岛市科学技术信息研究院 青岛海尔智能技术研发有限公司  青岛市委党校 13、开放创新环境下大数据知识生态系统协同演化与智慧涌现研究 ——安徽大学 14、面向长江中游城市群产业发展的综合科技服务体系研究 ——江西省科学技术信息研究所 15、专利标准融合提升知识产权密集型产业竞争力和质量基础设施能级 ——上海市质量监督检验技术研究院、中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所 16、智库协同应急情报研究 ——无锡商业职业技术学院数字商务学院 17、基于人工智能技术的全球科技人才信息平台 ——上海市研发公共服务平台管理中心 18、科学—技术知识融合推动技术创新路径研究 ——南京大学信息管理学院 19、企业研发战略、领域及前沿技术预判与跟踪研究 ——宝钢股份中央研究院 20、标准化助推江苏物联网产业发展策略研究 ——江苏省质量和标准化研究院 21、交叉学科研究热点的识别方法与应用研究 ——南京航空航天大学图书馆 22、淮安市重点产业创新图谱分析研究 ——淮安市科学技术情报研究所 23、基于专利情报理论的高校专利分级评估方法与应用研究 ——福州大学知识产权信息服务中心 24、中国东南(福建)科学城评估体系研究 ——福州市科学技术情报研究所 25、未来产业技术预测与布局研究——安徽省未来产业发展对策分析 ——安徽省科学技术情报研究所(省科学技术档案馆) 26、大数据环境下情报研究方法论体系研究 ——安徽大学 27、与数共舞——全球科研范式数字化转型 ——上海图书馆(上海科学技术情报研究所) 28、脑科学与类脑智能领域战略情报研究 ——中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所(中国科学院上海生命科学信息中心) 29、支持企业组建创新联合体的对策研究 ——浙江省科技信息研究院(智江南)、浙江大学 30、生命科学与健康产业新模态研究 ——中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,中国科协生命科学学会联合体时间地点时间:2023年11月7-10日地点:江西省景德镇市(开元名庭大酒店)