
  • 来源专题:食物与营养
  • 编译者: 潘淑春
  • 发布时间:2015-09-15
  • Background

    Poor weight management, inadequate dietary calcium, and excessive caffeine intake is a growing concern among young adults. This study assessed dietary calcium, caffeine intake and body mass index (BMI) on bone mineral density (BMD) of females freshmen.


    Participants included freshmen females (18-21 years) from a mid-western university, free from smoking or dietary supplement use. Two validated and reliable food frequency questionnaires assessed calcium and caffeine consumption. BMD was measured using quantitative ultrasound; Omnipath ® axial transmission technology (Sunlight Omnisense 7000S/8000S) where T-scores of the distal radius were collected. BMIs were calculated using anthropometrics (i.e. height and weight). All variables were statically analyzed using SPSS 20.0.


    From a pool of 200 participants, 191 successfully completed the study. A majority (95%; n= 181) were Caucasians, reflective of the university’s student population. Only 12% (n=23) exhibited excellent dietary calcium intakes indicative of ≥ 3 servings/day with 64% having a mean intake of 68 mg/day of caffeine. A one-way analysis of variance revealed there was a significant negative relationship between BMI and BMD (t=5.39, p<0.001), indicating those with higher BMI had lower BMD. No significant relationship existed between dietary calcium and caffeine intake on BMD.


    Although dietary calcium and caffeine intake did not affect BMD of young women, BMD was lower among individuals with higher BMI. Given that college students are close to reaching the critical period in development of peak bone mass, continued innovative educational strategies to increase consumption of dietary calcium among freshmen college females is warranted.

  • 《咖啡因可以抵消高脂肪、高糖饮食的一些健康风险》

    • 来源专题:生物安全网络监测与评估
    • 编译者:yanyf@mail.las.ac.cn
    • 发布时间:2019-12-26
    • 在老鼠身上进行的一项新研究表明,咖啡因可能通过减少脂肪细胞中脂质的储存、限制体重增加和甘油三酯的产生来抵消肥胖饮食的一些负面影响。 伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois)的科学家们在一项新研究中发现,与饮用无咖啡因的马黛茶的老鼠相比,饮用从马黛茶中提取的咖啡因的老鼠体重增加了16%,体内积累的脂肪减少了22%。 合成咖啡因和从咖啡中提取的效果相似。 马特茶是一种富含植物化学物质、类黄酮和氨基酸的草本饮料,拉丁美洲东南部国家的人们把它当作兴奋剂。研究显示,一份美帝茶的咖啡因含量在65-130毫克之间,而一杯煮好的咖啡的咖啡因含量在30-300毫克之间。 在四周的时间里,研究中的老鼠吃了含有40%脂肪、45%碳水化合物和15%蛋白质的食物。他们还摄入了一种形式的咖啡因,其量相当于一个人每天喝四杯咖啡的量。 在为期四周的实验结束时,各组大鼠的瘦体重百分比有显著差异。从美茶、咖啡或合成原料中摄入咖啡因的老鼠积累的身体脂肪比其他组的老鼠少。 最近发表在《功能食品杂志》(Journal of Functional Foods)上的这项研究进一步证实,越来越多的研究表明,美茶除了提供与它所含的酚类化合物、维生素和黄酮类化合物相关的其他有益健康影响之外,还可能有助于对抗肥胖。 “考虑到这些发现,mate tea和咖啡因可以被认为是抗肥胖药物,”该研究的作者之一、美国国立卫生研究院营养科学部主任埃尔维拉冈萨雷斯德梅加(Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia)说。“这项研究的结果可以推广到人类,以了解mate tea和咖啡因作为预防超重和肥胖的潜在策略的作用,以及与这些情况相关的后续代谢紊乱。” 根据这项研究,在大鼠中,脂肪细胞中的脂质积累与体重增加和体脂增加显著相关。 为了确定作用机制,科学家们进行了细胞培养研究,他们让老鼠的脂肪细胞接触合成咖啡因或咖啡或伴侣咖啡因提取物。他们发现,无论其来源如何,咖啡因都能减少脂肪细胞中脂肪类物质20%-41%的积累。 科学家们还追踪了与肥胖和脂质代谢相关的几个基因的表达。这些基因包括脂肪酸合成酶基因(Fasn),一种参与从葡萄糖合成脂肪酸的酶化合物;和脂蛋白脂肪酶基因(Lpl),它编码一种分解甘油三酯的酶。 所有的咖啡因治疗,无论来源,都显著下调Fasn和Lpl的表达。他们发现,在细胞培养中,使用合成咖啡因或来自美茶或咖啡的咖啡因处理的细胞中,Fasn的表达下降了31%-39%,而Lpl的表达下降了51%-69%。 研究人员发现,在食用了mate tea咖啡因的老鼠中,Fasn的表达在脂肪组织中减少了39%,在肝脏中减少了37%。 根据这项研究,肝组织中Fasn和其他两个基因的表达减少也会导致肝脏中低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和甘油三酯的产生降低。 de Mejia说:“从mate或其他来源摄入咖啡因缓解了高脂肪、高蔗糖饮食对身体组成的负面影响,因为脂肪组织和肝脏中某些脂肪生成酶的调节。”Fasn和Lpl的表达降低导致脂肪组织中甘油三酯的合成和积累降低。 ——文章发布于2019年12月20日
  • 《膳食钠或脂肪摄入量?对青年人血压的影响》

    • 来源专题:食物与营养
    • 编译者:潘淑春
    • 发布时间:2015-09-18
    • Background Dietary sodium intake as a cause of hypertension remains controversial. We examined the impact of diet on blood pressure (BP) in college-aged adults, hypothesizing that increased dietary sodium intake would correlate with elevations in BP. Methods In a cross-sectional study, students completed validated questionnaires for diet (Rate-Your-Plate or RYP), exercise, perceived stress and sleep. Students also had measures of blood pressure and body mass index (BMI). Students with BP≤120/80 (normotensive) were compared to those with BP>120/80 but less than 140/90 (pre-hypertensive) using t-test or chi-square as appropriate. The Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons required p<0.0031 to reach statistical significance. Results Of 180 students, ten with hypertension were excluded from analysis. Students were taking no vasoactive medications. Normotensives (n=84) were similar to pre-hypertensives (n=86) for mean age±SD (19.5±1.2 vs 20.1±2.2 years, p=0.03), race (p=0.58), exercise (p=0.27), perceived stress (p=0.05), and sleep time (p=0.22). Normotensives were mostly women (94% vs 59% women, p<0.0001) and had lower BMI (23.0 vs 24.8 kg/m2, p=0.003). Groups were similar for six RYP factors suggesting high dietary salt: eating out (p=0.014), cold cuts/breakfast meats (p=0.43), cheese (p=0.17), added salt (p=0.07), canned food/packaged meals (p=0.79) and salty snacks (p=0.78). Normotensives had lower fat intake by four RYP factors indicating high fat intake: red meat frequency, p=0.0002; red meat choices, p=0.004; poultry with skin, p=0.008; dressing choices, p=0.003. Conclusion Independent of exercise, stress and sleep, high fat dietary choices but not dietary sodium were significantly associated with pre-hypertension.