
  • 来源专题:图书情报
  • 编译者: lixiaoyan
  • 发布时间:2018-10-09
  • 弗吉尼亚理工大学图书馆系统是一个集成的图书馆系统,支持编目、权限控制、连续出版物控制、流通、预留空间、收购、文件传递、在线公共访问目录、使用布尔运算符的关键字搜索和统计报告。它运行在Hewlett-Packard HP / 3000系列计算机上。最初安装于1975年,目前有104个用户。本文讨论了弗吉尼亚网络;LINNEA - 芬兰学术图书馆的图书馆信息网络;以及卡贝尔县公共图书馆(西弗吉尼亚州)的全州信息和转介服务。

  • 《弗吉尼亚理工大学开发了一种针对COVID-19等新传染病疫情的建模方法》

    • 来源专题:生物安全知识资源中心 | 领域情报网
    • 编译者:hujm
    • 发布时间:2020-03-25
    • 弗吉尼亚理工大学在medRxiv预印版平台发表论文“A Method to Model Outbreaks of New Infectious Diseases with Pandemic Potential such as COVID-19”,介绍了针对一种具有大流行潜力的新传染病(如COVID-19)暴发的建模方法。 文章提到一种工程方法,可以根据较少数据对新传染病的传播进行建模。最需要评估的是可能被传染的人数,但由于一些患者仍处于潜伏期,因此无症状且未被发现。该参数对于估计一段时间内人群中的爆发程度以及预期结果很有用。因此,对于政府、机构甚至个人的常识性决策而言,遏制、准备、预防、反应和维护至关重要。蒙特卡洛方法是通过使用潜伏期和一个称为测试效率的变量作为变量来实现的。美国冠状病毒的爆发将用于说明这种建模方法的实施。此外,事实证明,受感染国家的早期旅行限制使美国的爆发速度减慢了约26天。
  • 《维吉尼亚理工大学食品科学与技术学院》

    • 来源专题:食物与营养
    • 编译者:潘淑春
    • 发布时间:2005-03-29
    • The mission of the Department of Food Science and Technology is to be a leader in contributing to food quality, safety, marketability, and availability through excellence in teaching, research and extension. The principal supporting disciplines are chemistry, biochemistry, economics, engineering, microbiology, nutrition, and physics. Food science and technology is defined as the application of science and engineering to the processing, preservation, packaging, distribution, and utilization of foods. The objectives of food science and technology are to elucidate the chemical, physical and microbiological properties of foods, and to apply this knowledge to the efficient utilization of raw ingredients for economical development and improvement of processes and packaging, leading to products of high quality and nutritional value. Food science and technology is the key to the conversion of raw materials into a wide variety of safe, wholesome, nutritious and economical food products, thus contributing in an important manner to the well being, standard of living, and progress of humanity. The major mechanisms for accomplishing the mission of the Department of Food Science and Technology are: Providing quality education and training in food science and technology at the undergraduate and graduate levels in order to supply professional personnel to meet the needs of educational and research institutions, industrial firms, and government agencies. Conducting research and establishing new concepts which will provide consumers with safe, nutritious, economical and acceptable food products, consistent with minimal environmental impact. Conducting extension activities which (a) bring food science and technology educational and research information to the attention of consumers, producers, food processors, and federal and state agencies including various administrative and service units of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and (b) provide an avenue for the Department to receive industry and consumer input on research and educational needs.