
  • 来源专题:大气污染防治与碳减排
  • 编译者: 李扬
  • 发布时间:2024-03-26
  • 作为拜登总统“投资美国”议程的一部分,美国能源部(DOE)今天宣布为20多个州的33个项目提供高达60亿美元的资金,以实现能源密集型产业脱碳、减少工业温室气体排放、支持高薪工会工作、振兴工业社区以及加强国家的制造业竞争力。这些项目由总统的《两党基础设施法》和《通胀削减法案》资助,将创造和维持数以万计的高质量工作岗位,并有助于加速新兴工业脱碳技术的商业规模示范,这些技术对实现拜登-哈里斯政府的气候和国内制造业目标至关重要。
  • 原文来源:https://www.energy.gov/articles/biden-harris-administration-announces-6-billion-transform-americas-industrial-sector
  • 《拜登哈里斯政府宣布2.54亿美元用于美国工业部门脱碳和振兴国内制造业》

    • 来源专题:可再生能源
    • 编译者:武春亮
    • 发布时间:2024-01-31
    • Energy.gov . Biden-Harris Administration Announces $254 Million to Decarbonize America’s Industrial Sector and Revitalize Domestic Manufacturing . 49 Projects Across 21 States and a New Funding Opportunity will Help Advance Next-Generation Technologies to Significantly Cut Emissions and Support President Biden’s Efforts to Build a Clean Energy Economy WASHINGTON, D.C. — In support of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda , the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $171 million for 49 projects across 21 states to reduce industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and accelerate the development of innovative decarbonization technologies. DOE also announced that applications are open for an $83 million funding opportunity to decrease emissions from hard-to-decarbonize industrial sectors, which represent roughly 30 percent of total U.S. carbon emissions.?Today’s announcements support DOE’s Industrial Heat Shot and Clean Fuels & Products Shot and will help the nation meet the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious goal of a net-zero emissions economy by 2050. Advancing next-generation technologies that reduce harmful emissions is a key component of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda to tackle the climate crisis, create new, good-paying jobs across the nation, and strengthen America’s manufacturing and industrial competitiveness. “Today’s announcement will help advance the innovative technologies we need to lower costs and improve energy efficiency in America’s factories and industrial centers,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “Ensuring America's industrial sector and its robust workforce remain strong and competitive is key to maintaining our nation’s edge as a global economic powerhouse and accelerating President Biden’s vision of a strong, made-in-America clean energy future.” Accelerating Groundbreaking Emissions-Reducing Technologies Managed by DOE’s Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office , the 49 selectees will support high-impact, applied research, development, and pilot-scale technology validation and demonstration (RD&D) projects aiming to reduce energy usage and GHG emissions from industrial subsectors, such as the chemicals industry which accounts for about 40 percent of all industrial energy use and emissions in the United States. The projects will also advance cross-sector industrial decarbonization approaches to tackle challenges common across various industries. Of the projects selected, 16 will be led by private industry, 22 by academic institutions, 3 by non-profit organizations, and 8 by DOE National Laboratories. Selected projects will advance decarbonization technologies in the following areas: Decarbonizing Industrial Heat (10 projects, $25.3 million): Selected projects will accelerate high-impact technology innovations for equipment and components to decarbonize thermal processes across the industrial sector.   . Low-Carbon Fuels Utilization R&D (6 projects, $20.7 million): Selected projects will focus on research, development, validation, and demonstration needed to accelerate the commercial readiness of hydrogen-fueled process heating technology and low-carbon-input, flexible CHP (combined heat and power).    . Exploratory Cross-Sector R&D (5 projects, $14 million): Selected projects, partially funded by DOE’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office , will focus on emerging R&D areas for technologies and materials that enable industrial decarbonization and significantly increase energy efficiency.   . Decarbonizing Chemicals (6 projects, $30.5 million): Converting between chemical building blocks to create consumer and industrial products, such as fuels, polymers, and paints, is incredibly energy intensive. Selected projects will focus on decarbonization technologies for high-volume chemicals with significant CO2 emissions, including advanced separations processes, advanced reactor systems, and dynamic catalyst science.  . Decarbonizing Iron and Steel (7 projects, $37 million): Selected projects, partially funded by DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office , will focus on decarbonization opportunities in iron and steel production, including innovative manufacturing technologies to enable decarbonization; electrification of existing manufacturing processes; overcoming challenges associated with utilizing hydrogen in steelmaking; and addressing scrap contaminants in recycling.   . Decarbonizing Food and Beverage Manufacturing (5 projects, $11.1 million): Selected projects will focus on low- and zero-carbon solutions for process heating, cooling, and refrigeration in a wide variety of energy-intensive food and beverage operations.   . Decarbonizing Cement and Concrete (5 projects, $20 million): Selected projects will address cement’s direct process emissions and will accelerate the commercial readiness of emerging low-carbon or net-zero technologies for the cement and concrete industry that provide energy savings and other benefits such as reduced complexity and improved process efficiency and optimization.    . Decarbonizing Forest Products (5 projects, $12 million): Selected projects will focus on decarbonization opportunities in energy-intensive drying, paper forming, and pulping processes.   . Selection for award negotiations is not a commitment by DOE to issue an award or provide funding. Before funding is issued, DOE and the applicants will undergo a negotiation process, and DOE may cancel negotiations and rescind the selection for any reason during that time. More information on the projects announced today can be found here . Tackling Decarbonization Challenges in Energy- and Emissions-Intensive Industries The Energy- and Emissions-Intensive Industries (EEII) funding opportunity will focus on applied RD&D for the highest GHG-emitting industrial subsectors, specifically: chemicals and fuels; iron and steel; food and beverage; building and infrastructure materials (including cement and concrete, asphalt pavements, and glass); and forest products. Together, these industries account for more than 65 percent of U.S. industrial manufacturing emissions, which jeopardize public health and pollute global ecosystems. Decarbonizing these industries is essential to decarbonizing supply chains and meeting President Biden’s clean energy and climate goals. This funding opportunity will also include a joint topic with the? Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office and the? Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management focused on pre-front-end engineering and design (pre-FEED) studies that support the development of decarbonized industrial processes using innovative, pre-commercial technologies. Concept papers are due March 19, 2024, at 5:00pm ET, and full applications are due June 11, 2024, at 5:00pm ET. DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy envisions awarding multiple financial assistance awards in the form of cooperative agreements. The estimated period of performance for each award will be approximately 12 to 36 months. Learn more about this funding opportunity. This funding is part of DOE’s? Technologies for Industrial Emissions Reduction Development Program ?( TIEReD ), which leverages resources across the Department’s applied research offices to invest in fundamental science, research, development, initial pilot-scale demonstration projects, and technical assistance and workforce development. Projects ultimately selected will also advance the goals of the?DOE Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap , which focuses on the highest emitting industries where decarbonization technologies will have the greatest impact, such as iron and steel, aluminum, cement and concrete, and other energy-intensive industrial processes. Today’s announcements advance two of DOE’s Energy Earthshots : the Clean Fuels & Products Shot and the Industrial Heat Shot . The Energy Earthshots Initiative targets the remaining solution points of the most challenging technical problems across our energy economy and will accelerate breakthroughs of more abundant, affordable, and reliable clean energy solutions within the decade. The Clean Fuels & Products Shot aims to dramatically decarbonize the transportation and chemical industries through a staged RD&D strategy that will provide the technologies necessary to cut GHG emissions and establish the United States as a world leader in clean fuel and clean carbon-based chemical production. The Industrial Heat Shot aims to develop cost competitive industrial heat decarbonization technologies with at least 85 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. DOE is committed to investing in bold industrial decarbonization technologies at each stage of the innovation pipeline.? Learn more about DOE’s all-hands-on-deck strategy?to decarbonize the U.S. industrial sector. ### .
  • 《拜登-哈里斯政府宣布拨款1亿美元将气候污染转化为可持续产品》

    • 来源专题:大气污染防治与碳减排
    • 编译者:李扬
    • 发布时间:2023-07-25
    •     美国能源部 (DOE) 今天宣布,将通过拜登总统的“投资美国”议程提供 100 亿美元,以支持各州、地方政府和公用事业公司购买源自转换碳排放的产品。目标是加快采用先进的碳管理技术,为燃料、化学品和建筑产品中的环境可持续替代品创造一个市场,这些产品来自工业和发电设施捕获的排放物。这一努力符合拜登-哈里斯政府的历史气候和清洁能源议程。     州、地方政府和公用事业购买大量产品,因此鼓励购买碳排放产品是推动减排的重要方法。该计划将有助于推广和部署更可持续的产品替代品,以减少净碳排放并减少与全球变暖相关的环境和健康风险。