
  • 来源专题:食物与营养
  • 编译者: 潘淑春
  • 发布时间:2004-12-22
  • NFPA is the voice of the $500 billion food processing industry on scientific and public policy issues involving food safety, nutrition, technical and regulatory matters and consumer affairs. NFPA's members process and package fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and specialty food and beverage products using a variety of technologies including canning, freezing, refrigeration, dehydration, and aseptic manufacturing. The benefits of membership include scientific and technical assistance, crisis management, claims handling, product liability insurance, and representation before Congress and the regulatory agencies.
  • 原文来源:http://www.nfpa-food.org/
  • 《国家营养食品协会》

    • 来源专题:食物与营养
    • 编译者:潘淑春
    • 发布时间:2005-01-27
    • The National Nutritional Foods Association, founded in 1936, represents the interests of manufacturers and retailers of a wide variety of natural products including organic and health foods, natural ingredient cosmetics, sports nutrition products and vitamins, herbs and other dietary supplements.
  • 《国家冷冻食品协会》

    • 来源专题:食物与营养
    • 编译者:潘淑春
    • 发布时间:2005-01-27
    • The National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association is uniquely positioned as an all-industry trade association, representing the interests of every segment of the National Frozen and Refrigerated Foods industry, including: Retailers,Foodservice Operators,Manufacturers,Sales Agents,Logistics Providers,Distributors,Suppliers,International.