
Upconversion Luminescence-Activated DNA Nanodevice for ATP Sensing in Living Cells

化学与生物传感器是细胞与活体内分子成像的重要工具,但如何在特定的时间和空间实现选择性成像仍然是一个难题。针对这一问题,国家纳米科学中心李乐乐研究员课题组通过学科交叉融合提出了利用上转换发光技术远程操控化学与生物传感的新原理,突破了传统传感器设计的局限性,实现了细胞与活体内时空选择性分子成像。在该方法中,首先通过功能性DNA分子设计以及在特定位点修饰光敏感键,来抑制探针分子的传感功能;进而引入上转换纳米颗粒与该传感分子相结合构建智能传感器件;上转换纳米颗粒在近红外光照射下发出紫外光,从而选择性的在特定时间和空间激活传感分子的检测和成像功能。该工作于2018年发表于JACS后被JACS Spotlights亮点报道,入选ACS Editors’ Choice,限时免费开放给读者。该文章在国内外相关领域产生了广泛影响,迄今被引用100余次,并入选ESI高被引论文。美国科学院院士Chad A. Mirkin在Adv. Mater. 2020, 32, 1901743发表综述文章评价:“该方法的优势在于,利用外界刺激对传感器进行远程控制,从而赋予成像功能在时间上的可控性”。Nano Today杂志以“Remote-Controlled DNA Nanodevice Only On When Needed”为标题对该工作进行了专题报道(Nano Today 2018, 19, 3)。

This is an elegant study that nicely integrates aptamer technology, upconverting nanoparticle technology and light controlled functional material modification into a powerful intracellular sensing system for the detection of small molecules in cells. The manuscript is well composed and easy to follow. Most experiments were well controlled and the data organization/flow logics are excellent as well.

李乐乐Lele Li


National Center for Nanoscience and Technology

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